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  • Marx raasina pettubadi, David Smith, Phil Evans, translator Rachamallu Ramachandra Reddy

Marx raasina pettubadi, David Smith, Phil Evans, translator Rachamallu Ramachandra Reddy

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Marx raasina pettubadi, David Smith, Phil Evans, translator Rachamallu Ramachandra Reddy, 224 pg, Rs. 200 \nKarl Marx did not write Das Kapital for the bookshelves of economists and philosophers. It is economics for working people, from their viewpoint and history. It is the classic masterpiece of revolutionary working-class politics. Here, David Smith and Phil Evans explode the myth of difficulty haunting Marx's Kapital. Phil Evans is a longtime political cartoonist based in England. \nTranslator Rachamallu Ramachandra Reddy (1922-1988) was a noted writer, critic and translator. \n \nhttps://play.google.com/store/books/details/David_Smith_Phil_Evans_Marx_raasina_pettubadi_Davi?id=NJkZEAAAQBAJ

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