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Gulamgiri, 1993, translation of the Marathi Gulamgiri, Jyotirao Phule
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Gulamgiri, 1993, translation of the Marathi Gulamgiri, Jyotirao Phule, 102 pages, Rs. 70/- translator Eluri Ramaiah, Gulamgiri is considered one of the first tracts against the caste system. Published in 1885, it critiques the institution of caste through a 16-part essay and four poetic compositions. Ambedkar considered Phule his guru. \nAuthor: Jyotirao Phule (1827-1890) was a social activist, thinker, anti-caste social reformer and writer from Maharashtra. His work extended to many fields, including eradication of untouchability and the caste system, and women's emancipation. \n \nTranslator : Eluri Ramaiah was born in Kakinada in 1925. After retiring as deputy collector, he turned his attention to Dalit literature and village development works.