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Charitra Marchina Manishi, Bojja Tarakam

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The Adi Rudrandhra Mahodyamam fought with Hindu social hegemony. Several notable leaders sprung up from this movement. Bojja Appalaswamy is one such leader. He played an important role in the All India Scheduled Caste Federation floated by Dr BR Ambedkar and was elected to the Madras assembly from Amalapuram reserved constituency. This biographical sketch of a father by a son unveils before us, a two century old struggle for social respect and equality. Bojja Tharakam (1939-2016) was a writer, senior lawyer, civil right and dalit rights activist. He founded Dalit Mahasabha. \n \nhttps://play.google.com/store/books/details/Bojja_Tharakam_Charitra_Marchina_Manishi_Adi_Rudhi?id=1QEoEAAAQBAJ

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