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Bojja Tharakam Combo 2,(set of four Books),Bojja Tharakam
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To mark the Dait History Month, the Hyderabad Book Trust presents the Omnibus of \nBojja Tarakam series 1 & 2. Bojja Tarakam, an important ideologue of and among Dalit \nBahujan activists of our generation. This series covers from his master work Caste and \nClass to Editorials and Articles of Nalupu and Neeli Jenda along with analysis of \nbudgetary allocations to development of daltis. A versatile writer equipped with skills not \nonly long form essays, analytical works but also had a stint with poetry and novel, Bojja \nTarakam works ranges from analysis of State and its functioning to contemporary \npolitical economic developments. Series 1 consists of Panchatantram, a novel, \nNenadugutunanu, compilation of petry, Neeli Jenda Sampadakeeyalu, SC ST Nidhulu : \nVidilimpu – Mallimpu, SC ST la pai Atyacharalu and Antaranitanam Inkana. Series 2 \nconsists of Neeli Jenda Vyasalu, Nalupu Vyasalu, Nalupu Sampadakeeyalu, Kulamu \nVargam.