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Asthi Panjaram, Amrita Pritam, Mehak Hyderabadi
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One of the first voices portraying the pain of Partition was that of Punjabi poet and fiction writer Amrita Pritam. And for a long time, this was the only feminine voice viewing Partition from a woman’s perspective. Chroniclers of the women’s stories of Partition were to enter the area nearly four decades later. The 1950 Punjabi novel is widely considered one of the outstanding works of Indian fiction set during the period of the Partition of India. This is the story of a Hindu girl, Puro, abducted by a Muslim; Puro’s parents refuse to accept her when she manages to escape. The novel was too radical for its times because the wounds had not yet healed and communal hatred as still at its peak. Even in those difficult times, Amrita was able to write a novel that saw the situation from the point of view of the other. The novel was adapted in the 2003 Hindi film of the same title. \n \nEbook Available \n \nhttps://play.google.com/store/books/details?id=uLhgEAAAQBAJ