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1948 Hyderabad Readings | Mohammed Ayub Khan, Anant Maringanti, Gita Ramaswamy
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Why does remembering Hyderabad of 1948 still matter? For generations, people have held on to fragments of this time—memories locked away, untold stories, unspoken grief.  For countless families, the events of 1948 weren’t just history—they were a rupture, a moment when public upheaval became deeply personal.
This anthology is a treasure chest of voices from that era. Some are firsthand accounts, raw and vivid. Others are the work of researchers trying to untangle the complexity of what really happened. Still others are carefully curated resources by people who knew how vital it was to preserve this history. Together, they weave a rich tapestry of a time that shaped not just Hyderabad, but the lives of countless people who called it home.
Hear the voices. Feel the pulse of a city on the brink of change. And maybe, find a piece of yourself in its story.
"1948 Hyderabad Readings" is created with contributions by Javeed Alam, Ali Yavar Jung, Lucien D Benichou, Frederick Winston Furneaux Smith Birkenhead, Mohammed Hyder, Omar Khalidi, Mohammed Abdul Rahman Khan, M.A. Moid and A. Suneetha, Gail Omvedt, H.K Sherwani, Pandit Sunderlal, Abdul Ghaffar Qazi, and Maulana Abdulla Misri, Jayaprakash Narayan, P.R. Venkatswamy
The book is edited by Mohammed Ayub Khan, Anant Maringanti, Gita Ramaswamy.