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  • Madivippina charitra (Debrahmanising History), Braj Ranjan Mani, translator Ashok Tankashala

Madivippina charitra (Debrahmanising History), Braj Ranjan Mani, translator Ashok Tankashala

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Madivippina charitra (Debrahmanising History), Braj Ranjan Mani, translator Ashok Tankashala, 432 pp, Rs. 300 \nThis is a sweeping and radical survey of the major Dalit-Bahujan intellectuals and movements over 2500 years of Indian history from Buddha to Ambedkar. The book brings out the beauty and resilience of a counter-tradition by visiting some of the major sites of resistance and creativity from below. Ranged against caste and brahminism, this liberating tradition is to be found in the egalitarians of diverse inclinations, particularly in the strands of shramanism, Buddhism, the movements of subaltern sant-poets, Sufism, and Sikhism. \nBraj Ranjan Mani is the author of Knowledge and Power: A Discourse for Transformation (2014). One of India's unconventional scholar-activists, Mani was formerly a journalist with The Times of India, a Fellow of the Indian Institute of Advanced Study, Shimla, and worked for a while as Dr. Ambedkar Chair-Professor at NISWASS, Bhubaneshwar, before deciding to work autonomously. \nAshok Tankashala is a senior journalist and editor and has written and translated several books.

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